Verywell Physique

HGH Supplementation: Natural vs Synthetics

HGH is a naturally occurring anabolic hormone found in your body that is produced by your pituitary gland. Their effect is notable during a child's puberty, where noticeable development of their bodies takes shape. Unfortunately, as we age our supply of HGH dwindles and hence we experience noticeable symptoms of aging.

People take HGH supplements like Crazybulk HGH-X2 for two particular reasons: both to aid in developing larger muscles and as a way to deter signs of aging. They help develop muscles since they can have a hand in metabolism as well as how proteins are developed in the body. Much like steroids they also lessen the time it takes to recover muscle after work out routines. HGH also helps in slowing down the aging process since it gives relative life to your muscles as well as your bone development enough that it helps it stave away from any major deterioration.


Muscle and Energy

Since HGH influences your muscles, metabolism and the healing process of your muscles, it's not that hard to figure out why even athletes and body builders are attracted to the usage of HGH supplements.

1. Muscle Mass

Muscles are determined by your genetics since your body's naturally occurring growth hormones have hand at muscle development. If you're naturally skinny with little or no muscles, then that is your set genetic makeup at work. HGH causes your muscles to be more open to development, much like setting them to work at hyper drive.

2. Metabolism

To make a long story short, HGH gives you an increased metabolism. This is the reason why children during their puberty experience bursts of energy. This is also the reason why people have less energy as they grow older due to a reduced secretion of their pituitary gland.

3. Healing Process

This is more a benefit for athletes or bodybuilders; HGH promotes a speedier healing process for damaged tissue as well as strengthens ligaments and joints.

HGH Drugs and Supplements

HGH is mainly used for clinical processes. They are used on children with growth deficiencies. To this end, it is a legal drug; however, FDA frowns upon its use on athletes since it is a performance-enhancing drug. To be clear HGH might be revolutionary way for patients who have hormonal problems, it is still in its infant stages because for one thing, it has to be injected in your body for its effects to take place. Oral and inhalant variants have not been cleared by the FDA due to the fact that they are not effective.

However, there are more safer and natural means to HGH: Amino acids. There are basically two main kinds of them that are proven to be effective for athletes and people who want to stay young. Coupled with daily exercise, they can work achieve acceptable rates of natural HGH within your body minus the side-effects.

  • GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid). This particular acid gives you feeling of euphoria and calms your brain. It's practically a perfect pair when taking with niacin, both amino acids that are easy enough to be absorbed by the body.
  • Arginine. This amino acid is mixed with that of lysine and ornithine. They are relatively easy to get and are found in Amazon and most health stores.
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